Online reputation

The power of online reputation: influencing your customers' decisions

Due to its crucial role in the sales process, we believe it's important to offer a comprehensive analysis service of your brand's online presence. Whether it's to help maintain your current reputation or to counteract any negative trends affecting this aspect of your business area.

Why should you improve your online reputation?

  • Directly influences customer purchasing behavior.

  • Strengthens guest loyalty levels.

  • Allows for justified moderate increases in your pricing policy.

  • Increases visibility of your establishment and trust in your services.

What strategy will we follow?


Data collection

We will review both negative and positive reviews on major review platforms in the industry, such as Google Reviews or TripAdvisor, among others. This includes various intermediary agencies. Additionally, we will investigate your website and social media presence: content, quality, and usability.


Our diagnosis

From here, we will conduct an in-depth investigation to thoroughly examine the status of different aspects that contribute to your establishment's online reputation. This will also involve a specific audit to ensure that your profiles on various review sites and online agencies are appropriate, with complete and up-to-date information.


Action plan

We will prepare a report that provides a set of responses aimed at transforming or optimizing the trend of your reputation over the medium to long term. All measures will include key factors such as estimated cost, execution time, and expected date to see results.

This is the solution you need if…

  • You want to strengthen your brand image and online presence.

  • You aim to differentiate yourself from the competition and attract more guests.

  • You need to identify current services that require investment.

  • You seek to reverse a negative trend in your reputation.

Take the first step to improve your online reputation