Cookie policy

Due to the entry into force of the aforementioned amendment to the "Law on Information Society Services" (LSSICE) established by Royal Decree 13/2012, it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of the user of all websites that use non-essential cookies before they browse them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies and other similar technologies such as local shared objects, flash cookies, or pixels are tools used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to ensure the proper functioning of the site. By using these devices, the web server is able to remember some data related to the user, such as their preferences for viewing the pages from that server, username and password, products of interest, etc.

Cookies affected by the regulations and exempted Cookies

According to the EU directive, cookies that require informed consent from the user are analytical cookies, advertising cookies, and affiliate cookies. Technical cookies and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user are exempt.

What types of Cookies exist?

Regarding the types of cookies, there are five main groups:

  • Analytical Cookies: gather information about the use of the website.

  • Social Cookies: necessary for external social networks.

  • Affiliate Cookies: track visits from other websites with which the website has an affiliation contract (affiliate companies).

  • Advertising and Behavioral Cookies: collect information about the user's preferences and personal choices (retargeting).

  • Technical and Functional Cookies: strictly necessary for the use of the website and the provision of the contracted service.

Cookies used on this website

Functional and mandatory cookies

Squarespace uses some necessary cookies that allow visitors to navigate the site and use its core features. These cookies vary across different sites depending on their functionalities. For example, functional and mandatory cookies enable the following functions:


  • Supports login for the Scheduling client if they have an account.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: January 1, 2025


  • Supports login for the Scheduling client if they have an account.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: January 1, 2025


  • Adds automatic suggestions to address fields in Scheduling to help clients fill out forms more quickly.

  • Type: Local Storage

  • Expiration: Persistent


  • Enhances Scheduling performance by using a server during the session.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 1 week


  • Shows when a visitor adds a product to their cart.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 2 weeks


  • Identifies the correct site for checkout completion when "Complete checkout on your domain" is disabled.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: Session


  • Stores the state of the checkout process while the customer completes their order through PayPal.

  • Type: Session Storage

  • Expiration: Session


  • Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: Session


  • Indicates to Squarespace that the visitor has a shopping cart.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 2 weeks


  • Prevents the password-protected screen from appearing if the visitor enters the correct global password.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: Session


  • Securely authenticates a visitor during their checkout process on Scheduling.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 1 month


  • Prevents redirection loops if a site has custom URL redirects. Redirection loops are bad for SEO.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 30 minutes


  • Remembers login details for the Scheduling client if they have an account.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 365 days


  • Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF) for logged-in users on the site.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 3 years


  • Identifies the visitor when they log into a customer account.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 3 years


  • Authenticates the visitor and logs them into a customer account.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: 3 years


  • Prevents the Announcement Bar from appearing if rejected by the visitor.

  • Type: Local Storage

  • Expiration: Persistent


  • Shows when you have indicated that you "like" a blog post.

  • Type: Local Storage

  • Expiration: Persistent


  • Prevents the Promotional Pop-Up from appearing if rejected by the visitor.

  • Type: Local Storage

  • Expiration: Persistent


  • Ensures visitors to the site on Squarespace 5 remain authenticated during their session.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: Session


  • Checks if the browser supports cookies and prevents errors.

  • Type: Cookie

  • Expiration: Session


  • Allows Scheduling client appointments to display correctly based on their time zone preferences.

  • Type: Local Storage

  • Expiration: Persistent

Analytical and performance cookies

We use analytics and performance cookies to collect information on your behalf about how visitors interact with the site. Storing these cookies is how we supplement the data you find in Squarespace Analytics, for example, traffic sources, unique visitors and shopping cart abandonment.

You can disable Squarespace Analytics and performance cookies at any time.


  • Expiration: 2 years

  • Description: Identifies unique visitors and tracks sessions of visitors to a site.


  • Expiration: 30 days

  • Description: Remembers if the site visitor has accepted Analytics cookies in their browser, in case the site is restricting the installation of cookies.


  • Expiration: 2 years

  • Description: Identifies unique visitors and tracks the sessions of those visiting a site.


  • Expiration: 30 minutes

  • Description: Identifies unique visitors and tracks sessions of visitors to a site.


  • Expiration: 2 years

  • Description: Identifies unique visitors and tracks sessions of visitors to a site.


  • Expiration: 30 minutes

  • Description: Identifies unique visitors and tracks sessions of visitors to a site.

Accept, block or delete cookies

You can accept, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring your browser options. In the following links you will find instructions on how to enable or disable cookies in the most common browsers:

  • Firefox

  • Safari

  • Google Chrome

For other browsers, please consult the documentation for the browser you have installed.

Warning about deleting cookies

You can delete and block cookies from this website, but part of the site will not function properly.