5 tips to enhance direct sales through your website

The Most Powerful Tool for Direct Sales

Often, in various talks and conferences we've attended, we've heard marketing experts limit the function of a website to merely being the face or image of a company. Up to this point, we can agree with the principle behind this statement. However, especially in the realm of service sectors, your website goes beyond that. It is the most powerful tool at your disposal to enhance direct sales and simultaneously increase revenue.

5 tips to help you enhance direct sales through your website

Here are five essential tips for any type of tourist accommodation looking to improve sales through their website:

1) Include the website in the investment plan

The most common approach is to make a one-time investment to create or modernize the website and then not revisit it for a considerable amount of time. However, due to its importance, avoid this approach and ensure your website is included in the annual investment plan.



At least once a year, conduct the following exercise. First, perform an in-depth analysis of your website: content errors, content quality, marketing strategy, design and brand image, photographs, etc. Second, for validation, compare the previous analysis with the metrics collected by your website. This way, you'll obtain a clearer and more precise understanding of areas that could potentially be improved."


2) Offer the Best Price Guarantee

We consider this aspect nearly obligatory. Your website should always offer the lowest price in the entire market. This not only increases the chances of converting potential bookings but also significantly enhances the profitability of these potential revenues. The percentage of disparity compared to online channels will depend on various factors such as demand, competition, average commission, etc. Additionally, this percentage does not need to be fixed and can vary based on demand calendar or purchasing behavior.

3) Provide Exclusive Benefits

Present potential customers with a set of advantages they cannot find on online channels. Beyond price, it's recommended to offer additional services or value-added benefits that tilt the balance in favor of your website.

4) Develop Loyalty Programs

Encouraging customers to return to your website for future bookings or repeat visits is crucial. Therefore, implementing a loyalty strategy is necessary. There are numerous tools, techniques, and processes available. Before launching any procedure, gather as much data as possible. Remember, loyalty begins when the customer confirms their reservation.

5) Create SEM Campaigns

Paid campaigns to position your website on the primary online search engine, Google, are essential tools that shouldn't be overlooked. These campaigns enable you to achieve visibility levels that may not be attainable through organic search alone. If you already have paid advertising campaigns, conduct a thorough review of each campaign's setup. Analyze critical aspects such as performance, keyword efficiency, and alignment of target audience with campaign geolocation.

Therefore, as we have seen, the strategy and commercial planning to enhance direct sales through the website are not governed by a single criterion. Hence, the implementation of certain techniques and methodologies will be deemed either accurate or inaccurate based on the type of services we intend to offer and the customers we aim to reach.


Seeking assistance

At The Revenue Team, we understand the complexity and time investment required to plan and achieve the most effective strategy for boosting direct sales through your website. For this reason, we recommend outsourcing this task to a professional advisory service. This approach will allow you to save both human capital and financial resources in the long term in this commercial area.


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